Lodaer Img

Physicians Portal

Portal Access:

Our referring physicians can request portal access individually or as a group. You will be able to access your patients’ reports and images in real time

Please email info@goldenradiology.ca to be provided with a username and password for the portal.


We strive to serve our referring physicians, Nurse practitioners and Chiropractors and patients alike in a timely manner. All urgent reports are reported and faxed within 2-4 hours.

Non urgent reports are provided within two to three business days.

Long weekends and some special circumstances might delay some reports.


X rays are typically walk ins; See note on main page regarding the province wide shortage of Medical Radiation Technologists.

Ultrasounds: We will do our best to accommodate urgent ultrasounds on the same day.

Bone mineral Densitometry, Mammograms and Nuclear Medicine studies are by appointment and based on the technologist availability with the specific credentials needed to perform those studies on certain days.

Fax Vs HRM:

Fax is still an available option for sending reports to the physicians’ office. However, fax requires a human factor to download the report and upload it to the patient’s file in your EMR which can be costly, time consuming and prone to human error.

HRM: Health Record Management is a 3rd party service provided by Ontario MD in which the report gets sent via HRM to the EMR directly and connects to the patient’s file without human interference. It saves you time, money and is not prone to human error.

How to get HRM reports: you need to contact Ontario MD to register your location (if you work at more than one location, you need to register for each location separately.

Contact information

Toll-free: 1-866-744-8668

 Email: support@ontariomd.com

Click the button below to access the Ontario MD guide on how to set up your HRM profile:


You can download and use the fillable pdf format requisitions online and save it to your EMR. In order to make your workflow easier, you can ask your EMR provider to automatically populate the patient’s information on the requisition including the Health card Number and the best phone number to reach them at , as well as your electronic signature and your billing number, and fax it electronically to (416) 757-1222 without the need for giving it to the patient or asking the receptionist to add your stamp.

Once received, our staff will call your patient within 24 – 48 hours to schedule an appointment.

Physician surveys:

Your opinion matters: We appreciate your feedback about your experience with our staff and reports.

Please click the button below to fill out the survey at your earliest convenience.